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コースより抜粋: 「最善の試験対策は職務に必要なスキルを身に付けることである」 このコースではトップダウン アプローチを用いて既知の知識とスキルを把握し、情報とスキルが不十分な分野を特定します。本コースを受講することにより、独自の対策計画を立てることができます。わかっていることとわからないことを明確にし、この職務の担当者に必要なスキルの習得と向上にお役立てください。 本コースでは試験ガイドの概要に沿って、受講者が特定の分野と関連する概念を十分に理解しているか、またはさらなる学習が必要かを判断できるように、「判断基準」となる概念を提示します。また、ケース分析、技術的に注意すべきポイントの特定、提案ソリューションの開発などの認知スキルを含む主要な職務スキルについて学び、実践する機会も用意されています。これらは職務スキルであると同時に試験スキルでもあります。また、アクティビティ トラッキング チャレンジラボを使って基礎能力もテストします。試験問題と同じような例題と解答も多数用意されており、コースの最後には採点式ではない模擬試験問題と、受験を想定した採点式の模擬試験問題が含まれています。
    Understanding Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Costs is most suitable for those working in a technology or finance role who are responsible for managing GCP costs. You’ll learn how to set up a billing account, organize resources, and manage billing access permissions. In the hands-on labs, you'll learn how to view your invoice, track your GCP costs with Billing reports, analyze your billing data with BigQuery or Google Sheets, and create custom billing dashboards with Data Studio. Students enrolling in this course do not need any prior Google Cloud technical experience.
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      Cloud Testing is a form of software testing in which web applications that use cloud computing environments seek to simulate real-world user traffic as a means of load testing and stress testing web sites. This course will begin discussions on cloud computing and the different deployment and fundamental models. It will also present the different types of cloud computing, software testing, and the different testing methods. It will also discuss cloud testing, its benefits, and limitations.
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        Salesforce Commerce Cloud, formerly called Demandware, is a cloud-based service for unifying the way businesses engage with customers over any channel or device. Now a days E-Commerce is growing rapidly. Every merchant or seller wants to do online selling. Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a platform where a large E-Commerce business can be handled very easily. All the cloud services make this very easy for Merchants as well as for Customers. Create Multi regional Online Stores , Easy Product selling , Best order management & customer handling. This Course is dedicated to : - Spread Knowledge of this Cloud base Salesforce product. - Easy tutorials for Merchants so that they can handle Business Manager/ Admin very easily. - Tutorials for beginers as well as Advance developers. - Coding Standards for Backend as well as frontend developers. - Solutions to common issues in Sales force commerce cloud development. Lets spread the knowledge of Salesforce Commerce Cloud . Topics covered in the sessions are as following : Introduction to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Understand Business Manager Connect Salesforce Commerce Cloud Using UXStudio & Eclipse Catalog & Products Campaigns & Promotions Customers Groups Cartridge or File Structure of Salesforce Commerce Cloud Concept of Pipelines At the End of course you will be able to start Administration & Development in Salesforce Commerce Cloud.
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          Cloud Computing has really changed the way companies looking into their digital Infrastructure now a days. Cloud computing with its unique paradigms brings in new opportunities and challenges for developers and administrators worldwide. With our unique curriculum we have tried to create the content which will bring beginners up to speed with Cloud technologies. The Course will start with basic introduction to cloud concepts like SAAS, PAAS and IAAS. You will also learn how Linux systems is changing the Infrastructure landscape worldwide. You will then learn to use popular cloud technologies like Google Compute Engine , Amazon AWS and Redhat open shift. The last unit covers Virtualization Technologies to provide you a holistic understanding of cloud computing environment. This course is surely the fastest and smartest way to get started with Cloud computing technologies.
            This course provides a holistic experience of optimally configuring SAP on Google Cloud. Participants will learn to configure SAP on Google Cloud, and what best practices are, leaving the course with actionable experience to configure SAP on Google Cloud and run SAP workloads on Google Cloud. >>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
              This course introduces participants to the strategies to migrate from a source environment to Google Cloud. Participants are introduced to Google Cloud's fundamental concepts and more in depth topics, like creating virtual machines, configuring networks and managing access and identities. The course then covers the installation and migration process of Migrate for Compute Engine, including special features like test clones and wave migrations.
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                This course provides an introduction to data center networking technologies, more specifically software-defined networking. It covers the history behind SDN, description of networks in data-centers, a concrete data-center network architecture (Microsoft VL2), and traffic engineering.
                  This course provides an overview of Computer Vision (CV), Machine Learning (ML) with Amazon Web Services (AWS), and how to build and train a CV model using the Apache MXNet and GluonCV toolkit. The course discusses artificial neural networks and other deep learning concepts, then walks through how to combine neural network building blocks into complete computer vision models and train them efficiently. This course covers AWS services and frameworks including Amazon Rekognition, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon SageMaker GroundTruth, and Amazon SageMaker Neo, AWS Deep Learning AMIs via Amazon EC2, AWS Deep Learning Containers, and Apache MXNet on AWS. The course is comprised of video lectures, hands-on exercise guides, demonstrations, and quizzes. Each week will focus on different aspects of computer vision with GluonCV. In week one, we will present some basic concepts in computer vision, discuss what tasks can be solved with GluonCV and go over the benefits of Apache MXNet. In the second week, we will focus on the AWS services most appropriate to your task. We will use services such as Amazon Rekognition and Amazon SageMaker. We’ll review the differences between AWS Deep Learning AMIs and Deep Learning containers. Finally, there are demonstrations on how to set up each of the services covered in this module. Week three will focus on setting up GluonCV and MXNet. We will look at using pre-trained models for classification, detection and segmentation. During week four and five, we will go over the fundamentals of Gluon, the easy-to-use high-level API for MXNet: understanding when to use different Gluon blocks, how to combine those blocks into complete models, constructing datasets, and writing a complete training loop. In the final week, there will be a final project where you will apply everything you’ve learned in the course so far: select the appropriate pre-trained GluonCV model, apply that model to your dataset and visualize the output of your GluonCV model.
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                    The Developer for Microsoft Azure Nanodegree program prepares students with critical cloud computing skills in how to deploy, build, migrate, and monitor applications on Azure.